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Komodo Dragon Base pulled South Africa out of our World Cup draw - which means we have taken on South Africa as our learning journey this half term.

Not only will we be focusing on the World cup and tracking South Africa's progress, but we will also be learning through International Arts week, Nelson Mandela and why people in different countries were and are treated differently.

Keep you eyes peeled on our blog as lots of exciting things will be happening!

Friday, 9 October 2009

And finally ... football!

On a Thursday morning we have football with John. We do all kinds of activities to warm ourselves up - including our brain!

We then play lots of different games - sometimes in pairs, sometimes in groups and we are developing our footwork skills, attacking and defending skills as well as having lots of fun!

What Can We Do To Help The World?

This week we have been learning how we can help the world. We have researched the word sustainability and learnt how people are trying to:
  • protect sea turltes
  • protect rare or endangered animals
  • develop eco friendly houses
  • stop  islands sinking
  • develop marine conservation
  • using renewable energy source

We then learnt a song called 'The Superhero Song'. It was all about how we can recycle things to help save the world. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

But ... we changed the words! The children were given the challenge of creating a new verse for the song focusing on their area of research. They did really well and we even created a new chorus as well.

Save and protect our environment
Thats all we want to hear
Save and protect our environment
Let's sing it loud and clear
Save and protect our environment
3 words we all hold dear
Save and protect our environment
Thats all we want to hear

Check Out Our Work!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

How Are We Polluting the Earth and What Will Happen?

Last week we looked at the question 'How are we polluting the Earth?'. The children worked hard at this and found some interesting facts out about the topic.

We have:

  • Used our ICT skills to research different forms of pollution

  • Designed and carried out a questionnaire about what people thing about pollution

  • Expored how pollution is affecting the Earth through personification poetry

  • Considered the effects of the pollution on the Earth through writing our own stories about The Very Hungry Giant

Have a look at some of their findings.

I have learnt that the United States produces a wopping 377,678 metric tones of pollution a year!!!

2.4 million people die each year from pollution due to factory gasses being released every day.

I've learnt that every year the nation has a meeting to help global warming and what they can do to stop it.

More and more animals are become exstinced because of the over fishing and the de-forsetation which is ruining their habitats and where they live.

2.4 million people die each year due to factory and air pollution.

The Untied States produces 377,678 metric tons of  pollution.

If we keep cuting down trees we will so have no oxgen left for us to breath.

Cut trees down will kill lots of ainmals and ther habbits.

Friday, 2 October 2009

The Polluted Earth

He stands watching the stars and planets , while us humans pollute him making him ill.
Everyone throws they're wastes and wrapers in to his lakes, and seas makeing them filthy and toxical.
He's sick and ill from all of the polluted waters while he waits helplessly in space alone and upset.

He sweats and sweats because everyone travels in cars, trains, buses and airplanes making smoke and extra greenhouse gases hit his coat.
He only wishes everyone would mostly cycle which would make him a great temprature.

He gets hotter every year while he wears a coat which makes him even hotter.
Everyone pollutes him so that his coat gets bigger holes all the time and he really really wants to take it off.
He knows that it could be vital for everyone so he tries and tries to keep his coat on.

People try to tell everyone that its bad for the earth but now no one listens to them so its just getting worse and worse.

by Billy

She sits, suspended, jealous of humans always getting what they want but her, getting anything appart from being beaten up day by day.
The sun laughs and points just making it worse.
Still jealous, wondering what it would be like to be another planet.

Weeping in to the seas, floods rush here and there taking homes and lives.
Causing part of climate change she cant help it, she is hurt.
Feeling  as if she could curl up and die, waiting for something good to happen in her life

Ill barley breathing, choaking on all the bad gasses the factores and cars produce day in day out.
Suffercating-deprived of air, water and trees.
Overheating, sweating while slowly disappering, no one want a slow earth especially not her, supporting life as we know it.

By Alanah
The Earth Poem

He sits there staring at everything, the sparkling stars and the shiny planets they are as shiny as a silver spoon.
He was not well at all he felt really ill.
The thing that was making him feel ill was all the smoke he hated the smell of smoke
He was scared that he might get really really ill, he wanted the people stop letting smoke in the air.
He was scared that he might die

He started to maon to people, people explained to him "stop moaning and groaning."
He was as sad as the sea because people were shouting at him.
He goes on and on moaning and groaning to the people.

He was getting hot and he was starting to sweat.
It was dripping down his back, drip, drip and drip.
He did not like it he was gradually getting sweatery and sweatery.
His ice was going very fast, they were taking away his white freezing cold ice.

by Katie

Thursday, 1 October 2009

He Sits Alone

He sits alone in space exposed to the deadly gases man  makes.
He sits alone turning brown , dying from the rubbish in landfill sites and in the sea.
He sits alone being starved of his vital gases that he breathes.

He sits alone crying while he's consumed by mankind.
He sits alone his joy taken away like a dog without a bone.
He sits alone jealous of the other planets , all healthy and happy.

He sits alone sweating out co2 and destroying the ozone layer.
He sits alone moaning and groaning as his pain gets worse.
He sits alone frustrated and tired as he slowly dies.

By Luke

One Planet Future

This week we have been writing some poems to do with the earth as part of  our One Planet Future topic. they are about the environment and how we are destroying it. They use personification to show how the world feels about it.

by Luke