Welcome to our blog!

Komodo Dragon Base pulled South Africa out of our World Cup draw - which means we have taken on South Africa as our learning journey this half term.

Not only will we be focusing on the World cup and tracking South Africa's progress, but we will also be learning through International Arts week, Nelson Mandela and why people in different countries were and are treated differently.

Keep you eyes peeled on our blog as lots of exciting things will be happening!

Friday, 26 February 2010

Rose Blanche the book

This week in year 6, we have been looking at the book called  Rosa Blanche. We have been writing different things about the book each day including an observers point of view. Today we have stepped into one of the chartacter's shoes and we have been writing a thought bubble of what they were thinking at the time in the scene. So far, it has been great fun and everyone is really getting into the work they have been set! Also the book is fiction so of course, nothing in the book ever happened so if you get into tears you will know that it did not ever happen!

By Tom

Blog On Rose Blanche

This week we have been reading Rose Blanche and we have been doing things on her and the book.

We have been doing role on a wall,a cube,writing from her opinion and doing thier point a view.There are 2 main characters, Rose Blanche and the Fat Mayor.

The role on a wall is where we put things inside and then we put things out side it of what the words mean.

The cube is writing 4 main points on a cube template and then we write what they mean under it in colour.

When we were writing the opinion from Rose Blanche, we had to write all the things and we had to write how we were feeling.

Then on Friday we did writing from a character's point a view. I did the Fat Mayor you cud do the Fat Mayor or Rose Blanche or a little tiny boy who jumped  out the back of a truck what brock down.

By Ethan

Rose Blanche

Since the 20th of February year six has been looking at a book called Rose Blanche.

This book is about a young german girl called Rose Blanche in World War Two . Over the past five days the children of year six have been doing activities in the morning about this book. One group had to write a letter in Rose Blanche's perspective about a problem that happened in the book.

On the 25th of Frebruary the children wrote a thought bubble for the mayor of the trown, a little Jewish boy or Rose Blanche. This is some of  the work year six did over the last five days.

Rose Blanche

This week we have been reading a book called Rose Blanche. It is about a german girl in World War Two who have see group of children behind a barbed fence in some woods.

 She tells no one else what she saw there but she goes back and forth giving them food evey day after school.One day she went missing but why.....?


Blog for Rose Blanche

This past week we have been reading Rose Blanche,we also have been concentrating on the book in our writing. I think the book is really good because it always hooks you in from the exciting writing and pictures.
There are two main characters in the book Rose Blanche and the Mayor who they call the fat Mayor.
Rose Blanche is about a girl who lives with her mum and her town has gone to war,she gets very confused from the events in here town and one day she goes missing. She goes missing the day everyone leaves the town.


By Billy

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

On the 28 th January Komodo Dragon Base  did some Basket ball. He was very nice. We did some bounce pasess,chest pasess and dribbling. It was so fun. We had to call him Coach or Coach L and his real name was Luca.
It was a nice suny day when we had come in from basket ball and we had red faces .

By Bree

Basketball with Coach L

On Thursday 27th January 2010, we did a basketball lesson with Coach.
We practiced a triple threat position, where you either shoot, dribble or pass.
We also practised different types of passes, like chest passes and bounce passes.
We had a great time with Coach L and his basketballs.
Callum is doing well.
So is Billy and so is Olivia.

By Dylan and Jamie

Basketball training

In year six we have been doing some basketball training with a basketball  coach, It was very fun and enjoyable experience. We learnt how to dribble and pass properly, we also learnt the triple threat posistion but we only done a little bit of shooting. We had to call our coach coach L or coach , we had a go at spinning the ball on the palm of our hands but no one could do that or spin it on their finger. We practiced chest passing and bounce passing in pairs.
Overall I think it is a great game but I still think football is better.

By Luke

Science report

Year 6 have been doing science exprements. One was trying to serate diffenent matials, like water, sand and pasta like in the picture on the right.The other one was making crstals. We made them by puting boling water into a clear platic cup then lots of salt. After that we tied some string to a pencil and the salt strated to grow on the string and turn into a crstal on the string.


Basket Ball With Coach By Faisal

On the 28th of January the year six children went to do basket ball with a school visitor came. This visitor was called coach L. Coach L taught us lots of skills like dribbiling, shooting and skills we can use in the near future.

By Faisal

Year 6 Basketball

Last Thursday year 6 had a basketball lesson by professional Canadian coach (Coach L) - it was so much fun!
We got taught how to dribble, pass, shooting and other usefull skills when playing basketball.
He is a fantastic Coach, he taught us loads and we also had so much fun with him!

                                              By Olivia

Friday, 5 February 2010

Basket Ball!!!!!

On the 28th of January 2010 year6 did basket on the pateo out side year4 luka the coach he tought us lots of skills first he tought us how to dribl then we did so pashing then some shooting skills that will help us score in games that we can play at playtime then.Finlly we did so shooting at the hoop
By Dominic

Basket Ball

Last Thursday 28th January 2010 in  year6 we did some basket ball with our coach Luka. He taught us to dribble the basket ball.It was a lot of fun!!! For our warm up we did some running races and some streches.In pairs we did some throwing skills like chest pass, bounce pass and a sholder pass.After all of that finaly we got to do some shooting.

              By Katie

Basket Ball!!!

Last week on the 28th of January, we were being tought how to play proper basket ball by a real coach!  He was teaching us how we should always use our fingers and not just the palm of our hand, otherwise our precision would have been pretty bad.  We were also learning skills which professionals used in real matches like spinning round and dodging people that were in our way!  He also tought us how to bounce the ball through our legs which was a wicked skill!  I think everybody would love to do it again, I would!!!

By Tom

The Piano!!!!!!!!!!

The past few days, we have been looking at the short video clip of the Piano.  We have looked at the imotions of the different scenes.
The clip has funny, sad and normal feelings included.  We drew graphs on a scale of 1 - 10 of how imotional it was.

My favourite part is at the end where the old man smiled at is grandson, it made everyone laugh.

By Alanah!!!!!!!!!

Science on salt and water

 In year 6 for Science we have been doing  experiments and one of them is water and salt.

What I mean is we have a cup of water and put some salt in it [By the way you can test this if you want to] then you get some string and a pensil and tie the string to the pensil. After you put some food colouring in the cup,then put it on you window then just wait and in a couple of days the salt will climb on the string and the water will evapourate.

Thats what we have done for some of Our science for now.

year 6 bascket ball lesson


Year 6 had a great basketball lesson we had a coach called Luka.We have learnt some new skills and learnt how to take a proper shot.Despite taking shots we also spun a ball on our finger.When we left he had some more children to teach and he will be here for two more weeks.He is a very good help because he gives us more oppertunites.We were practicing passing and shooting.

                                          Scott and Callum

Science Competition!!!!

In year 6 we entered a fantastic science competition. The science competition was to do a report about the long term effects of space travel on the biology of the body. Suggest what astronauts can do to stay fit and healthy.

It was very long tittle to write!  First we wrote it out in our book then we copied it out on to our laptops. We wrote lots, I did a paragragh on Radiation and lots more, obviously. Radiation comes from three main sources, but I will not tell you too much about it though, because the reports are going to be on our blog, so make sure that you look for them.

 By Lucie

Salt crystals!

Our topic has been the Magic of Science and we've been making salt crystals. We got a cup full of hot water,then we put as much salt in as the water could take,Next we put food colouring in . After we had done all of that we had to tie a piece of string to a pencil and put it in.After a while crystals will climb up the string.

Basket Ball With Coach L!!!

On Thursday 29th of Janury we had an American Basket ball coach come to our school and taught our class some new skills such as spinning the basket ball on the palm of our hand and then gradually get it onto our finger so it was as good as swimming but a lot colder!

by Daniel

Year 6 Basketball

We did basketball on Thursday 28th of January and we got taught a lot of things like how to pass and how to shoot.We got taught sum skills like spining the ball on your thinger and how to take it around people.We gone in pears and we pasted it to each other we did cheast pass and we bounced it on the floor to each other as well.We ran around bouncing and he said tripel thret and he said girls shoot and then we started,bouncing again and then the boys got to shoot and then we finished.

                                                                           By Ethan


On Thursday 29th January, we did basketball with Coach L. We learnt how to dribble, pass, shoot and tricks. It was great fun, espcially the spinning the ball on our fingers. It was funny watching everyones ball falling(mine was aswell)

Liam Abbey

Basket ball

In year 6 on Thursday 25th of February,a basket ball player,we called him Mr Luca. He taught us some cool basket ball moves like to spin a ball on your finger,bounce a ball between our legs (but we had to be CAREFUL). It was brilliant,i wish i could do it again-we probably will...

By Watson

Basket ball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Thursday the 29th January Year 6 had a visitor come in and do Basket ball with us, also with some other clases. His name was Coach. We learnt a lot from him and I was really good fun. We learnt lots of skills and we all wish we could do it again.

We did different pases like chest passes and bounce passes. We learnt dribbling and some things to remember when shooting.

By Emily and Alisha

Basket Ball with Coach!!!!

On Thursday 29th last week our swimming was sadly cancelled... But we had a special visitor to the school, Coach! Our class learnt lots of new skills like: Different Passes, How to dribble a ball - the basket ball way, loads of cool tricks and lots more!

Everybody had loads of fun doing this - I hope we can do
it again!

By Chloe!!!!!!!!