Welcome to our blog!

Komodo Dragon Base pulled South Africa out of our World Cup draw - which means we have taken on South Africa as our learning journey this half term.

Not only will we be focusing on the World cup and tracking South Africa's progress, but we will also be learning through International Arts week, Nelson Mandela and why people in different countries were and are treated differently.

Keep you eyes peeled on our blog as lots of exciting things will be happening!

Friday, 5 February 2010

Science Competition!!!!

In year 6 we entered a fantastic science competition. The science competition was to do a report about the long term effects of space travel on the biology of the body. Suggest what astronauts can do to stay fit and healthy.

It was very long tittle to write!  First we wrote it out in our book then we copied it out on to our laptops. We wrote lots, I did a paragragh on Radiation and lots more, obviously. Radiation comes from three main sources, but I will not tell you too much about it though, because the reports are going to be on our blog, so make sure that you look for them.

 By Lucie

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