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Komodo Dragon Base pulled South Africa out of our World Cup draw - which means we have taken on South Africa as our learning journey this half term.

Not only will we be focusing on the World cup and tracking South Africa's progress, but we will also be learning through International Arts week, Nelson Mandela and why people in different countries were and are treated differently.

Keep you eyes peeled on our blog as lots of exciting things will be happening!

Monday, 12 July 2010

Dance Project With Yewstock

On 23rd of June our class learnt a dance with Yewstock School - Eclis taught us the dance. We only had three secions to learn it, so we had to pick it up quite quickly! Everybody enjoyed this so much. Our third secion was at Yewstock school in the morning. Then after lunch we walked to the exchange in Sturminster Newton. Luckily Yewstock schoolis in Sturminster Newton so we didn't have to walk that far.

By Ethan

Yewstock dance project Jamie

On 27th June 2010 we had to perform our dance with Yewstok school. Exlis our dance teacher taught us this dance to the song shout bye Dizzie Rascal and James Corden.We performed our dance at The exchange in Sturminster Newton. The crowed applauded us in for our routine. The routine was roughly 7 minutes long.
The song played through twice. "Our dance was shown as the best of our ability," said Exlis.

By Jamie

Yewstock Dance Project

In y6 we do lots of cool thing but this wiped them all out. On the 26th of June we went to yewstock school in Sterminster Newton on a coach. We practiced all morning in the tent outside and, eventualy, we walked to the exchange in the centre of the town . The dance went perfectly and we will be getting a copy of the dance soon.


Dance project with Yewstock!!!

Through out last month, we were working with a school called Yewstock and have been working up to something magical! Together between the both of us we have been dancing away to then perform it at the exchange in Sturminster Newton. We have all had are ups and downs doing this but so far we have all enjoyed it (After all, we got a biscuit after every section!) We all did really well and eventually came out
with something amazing and we wouldn't of been able to do it without our dance teacher exlis! He was amazing and always teaches us new things and taught many Yewstock children new things as well! We all performed perfectly and all tried are best and in the end got a round of applause from the leader of Dorset's education leader! 

By Tom

Yewstock Dance Project

On the 23rd of June, we went to Yewstock school to do a dance project. We had to practise loads because the dance was really hard but really fun. Exlis is really good at dancing because he had been for doing it for years. We were going to perform it at the exchange in Sturminster Newton in front of lots of headteachers. We only had three sessions to learn it, talk about cutting it close! We dance to Shout! by Dizzie Rascal and James Cordon. We practiced in this huge gazebo thing it made you look yellow but it was really hot and we couldn't do one of the moves. We had to keep going through the routine and then again and again. At the end of the routine we done a bust-a-move which is where everyone goes in a does a bit on their own. That was my favourite part!

By Luke

Yewth Stalk By Bree

They were all so nice to us and they were so funny !  We all had some thing in commen ! When we went there we saw  our dream play ground . We loved doing the dance project with them . I love the music and the music video .  It was called shout  ( it was amizing ) ! I was so happy that I finally  got to meet them and have a amizing  time .  By Bree

Yewstock dance!!!

On the 23rd of June,we went to Yewstock school to do a dance and present it to more schools headteachers. It went well and we danced and danced all day. We had some lunch and ran up the runing track. It was so fun. After we had are lunch, we packed up then had one more try.

We head of walking to the hall and we got there in one peace. We did the dance one more time then went to present it. It went very well and one person danced with 2 Yewstock children. They did very well. Yewstock are better dancers than i thought they were.

It came to the end of the day and we got a choc ice. We went home and the dance was done for good. We all felt good after that. We liked it and we were exsited about it before we perforned it. It was cool!!!
    By Brooke & Faisal.

The Yewstock Dance Project by william

On the 23th of June we perfomed at the Sturminster Newton exchange along with 9 pupils from Yewstock! We performed a long dance routine to "Shout" by Dizzie Rascal and James Cordon. Our dance teacher the amazing Exlis choreographed our routine and all the amazing dance moves in it. We only had three dance sessions to put it together two whole morning ones at our school and on the day one sesion all the way up to the performance. Thier plaground was great. On the last day we practised in a giant gazebo which got extremly hot. We peformed in Sturminster Corn Exchange. The dance project was great.
By william

Yewstock Dance Project

Blandfors St Mary and Yewstock school both got together and created a dance! We worked on this for a week and a half, It was very hard but we all got there in the end. We all had fun and on wednesday we performed it too all of the headteachers across Dorset!!! (Well the people who turned up) Its still just as good. Many thanks too exlis who turnes up every friday too help out with the school, He teaches alot of types of dance mostly street! All the dances that he has done with us have been absaloutly amazing. Too think that he actully makes a move up without even thinking is just terrific!

Yewstock Dance!

In Year 6 we have just finished a fantastic dance project! Yes, that's right! We worked on it with Exlis from Pure Funk who comes in regularly on Fridays. We did this dance with Yewstock - it was a great experience, We only had three practises. We had to work really hard and concentrate. On the 23nd June 2010 we went to Yewstock all day! Then, in the afternoon, we went to The Exchange in Sturminster Newton to preform our amazing dance and show off our moves to the world! Or just a town...

We did the dance to "Shout" by Dizzee Rascal and James Corden, it was great because most of us liked that song and when it got to the chorus, some people went 'Smithy!'

One of the great parts was that it got recorded by a REAL CAMERA PERSON! It was amazing!

Hopefully, you got a good feel to the experience!

By Chloe and Alisha!                                                                        

                                                  See, it was FUN!