Welcome to our blog!

Komodo Dragon Base pulled South Africa out of our World Cup draw - which means we have taken on South Africa as our learning journey this half term.

Not only will we be focusing on the World cup and tracking South Africa's progress, but we will also be learning through International Arts week, Nelson Mandela and why people in different countries were and are treated differently.

Keep you eyes peeled on our blog as lots of exciting things will be happening!

Monday, 12 July 2010

Yewstock Dance Project

Blandfors St Mary and Yewstock school both got together and created a dance! We worked on this for a week and a half, It was very hard but we all got there in the end. We all had fun and on wednesday we performed it too all of the headteachers across Dorset!!! (Well the people who turned up) Its still just as good. Many thanks too exlis who turnes up every friday too help out with the school, He teaches alot of types of dance mostly street! All the dances that he has done with us have been absaloutly amazing. Too think that he actully makes a move up without even thinking is just terrific!

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