Welcome to our blog!

Komodo Dragon Base pulled South Africa out of our World Cup draw - which means we have taken on South Africa as our learning journey this half term.

Not only will we be focusing on the World cup and tracking South Africa's progress, but we will also be learning through International Arts week, Nelson Mandela and why people in different countries were and are treated differently.

Keep you eyes peeled on our blog as lots of exciting things will be happening!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Creating new South African T-shirts

This week in Komodo dragon Base we have been doing a lot of art activities  ! We have been given South Africa for the world cup so we have been learning about South Africa.

We have created new football shirts for South Africa football team ! The whole class loved it, the T-Shirts  turned out to be really well !
look how good they are !
Plus it was Miss Wood's last day and it was Emily's Birthday  . { We are going to miss Miss Wood }

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